Our Differentiators
Firstly, we are farm-to-table. Our sturgeons are all bred sustainability in the most humane conditions and water quality. The sturgeon specie is one of the oldest species dating back thousands of years. There is even evidence that the sturgeon is one of the only species that dates back to millions of years and is considered a fossil specie. Therefore, it is paramount to do everything we can to do our part by practicing sustainable methods and to preserve the sturgeons in the wild. In fact, our founder and father was one of the pioneers and visionaries of his time who advocated for sustainability and helped start the first sturgeon farm in the 1980's, which at the time was deemed as ridiculous.
Secondly, at our company, we have a famous saying; "Not all sturgeon roe is created equally." This could not be more true. Just as any specie come in all different DNA, body types, forms, and genetics, the sturgeon is no different.
Furthermore, genetics is just one of the many elements that determine the quality of excellent caviar; the environment and nutrition make up another big part of this selection. At Dorasti, we take pride in hand-selecting the best of breed sturgeons sourced from the the cleanest waters and fed with the highest quality feed. We refuse to take shortcuts in the name of cost-savings for a lower quality and graded caviar and product. We use this same philosophy with all of our selections of products and we will not compromise on this principle. Learn more on our Stories tab.